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Shahrazad’s Gift by Gretchen McCullough Review

I received a free copy of this book in exchange for a fair and honest review. All opinions are my own.


Author Gretchen McCullough explores the lives o people in modern Cairo in the short story collection “Shahrazad’s Gift”.

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The Synopsis

Shahrazad’s Gift is a collection of linked short stories set in contemporary Cairo—magical, absurd and humorous. The author focuses on the off-beat, little-known stories, far from CNN news: a Swedish belly dancer who taps into the Oriental fantasies of her clientele; a Japanese woman studying Arabic, driven mad by the noise and chaos of the city; a frustrated Egyptian housewife who becomes obsessed by the activities of her Western gay neighbor; an American journalist who covered the civil war in Beirut who finds friendship with her Egyptian dentist. We also meet the two protagonists of McCullough’s Confessions of a Knight Errant, before their escapades in that story. These stories are told in the tradition of A Thousand and One Nights

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The Review

One of the beautiful things about fiction writing is how it allows readers from one part of the world to explore and gain insight into how people live in other parts. This collection of short stories is no different, as the author wonderfully showcases the rich tapestry and vibrant life that breathes into the city of Cairo. The thoughtful imagery allows the setting and atmosphere to appear on the page. 

The connectivity of the cast of characters and the ode to the classic tale of A Thousand and One Nights made this collection truly shine. The humor and wit that these characters exuded, the exploration of the city’s lesser-known corners, and the emphasis the author put on stories of love and self-discovery made this a gripping and compelling read that readers will return to time and time again.

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The Verdict

Creative, insightful, and entertaining author Gretchen McCullough’s “Shahrazad’s Gift” collection is a must-read short story. The various cultures and histories of the characters and the melding of worlds within this one city made the story feel transformative and engaging and is not to be missed by readers. Be sure to check out your own copy of this fanstastic book today!

Rating: 10/10


About the Author

Gretchen McCullough was raised in Harlingen Texas. After graduating from Brown University in 1984, she taught in Egypt, Turkey and Japan. She earned her MFA in Creative Writing from the University of Alabama and was awarded a teaching Fulbright to Syria from 1997-1999. 

Her stories, essays and reviews have appeared in The Barcelona Review, Archipelago, National Public Radio, Story South, Guernica, The Common, The Millions, and the LA Review of Books. Translations in English and Arabic have been published in: Nizwa, Banipal, Brooklyn Rail in Translation, World Literature Today and Washington Square Review with Mohamed Metwalli. Her bi-lingual book of short stories in English and Arabic, Three Stories from Cairo, translated with Mohamed Metwalli was published in July 2011 by AFAQ Publishing House, Cairo. 

Currently, she is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Rhetoric and Composition at the American University in Cairo.


Anthony Avina, (Born March 1990), is an author, a journalist, and a blogger. Born in Southern California, he has battled through injuries, disabilities, moves back and forth across the country, and more, yet still maintains a creative voice that he hopes to use not only to entertain but to inspire hope in even the darkest situations. He writes short stories and novels in several genres, and is also a seasoned journalist for the online magazine, On Request Magazine, as well as the popular site TheGamer. Having grown up reading the books of Dean Koontz and Stephen King, they inspired him to write new and exciting stories that delved into the minds of richly developed characters. He constantly tries to write stories that have never been told before, and to paint a picture in your mind while you are reading the book, as if you could see every scene of the book as if it were a movie you were watching. His stories will get your imaginations working, and will also show that in spite of the most despairing and horrific situations, hope is never out of reach. He am always writing, and so there will never be a shortage of new stories for your reading pleasure.

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