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The Order by John-Patrick Bayle Review

I received a free copy of this book in exchange for a fair and honest review. All opinions are my own. 

The discovery of a mysterious manuscript puts a novice monk into the perilous journey none would have seen coming in author John-Patrick Bayle’s “The Order”.


The Synopsis

1513, France -An ancient origin. A secret society. A long anticipated birth has come to pass. The news spreads in a hushed wave throughout the world. It has begun.Armies move while nations sleep, and one of human history’s greatest movements teeters on the edge of collapse. The Order is a gripping tale of deception, secrecy, cruelty, and a man whose faith stands firm in the face of it all. 

The Review

The pacing and tone of the narrative were so well balanced. The way author was able to capture the atmosphere and behavior of the monks early into the story while infusing mystery and intrigue to keep the stakes of the mission alive. The tension that the author infused into the narrative was felt heavily in the story, as the brotherhood that the author established early on took some twists that made the protagonist force himself to view the world a bit more warily, while also struggling with his views and trusting nature.

The two biggest things that stood out to me in this narrative were the wealth of character development and the brilliant infusion of history into the story. The way in which the protagonist relates to these characters and must traverse this shadowy world and organization within such a turbulent point in the 16th century was so captivating to read. The emotions that this character underwent on this transformative journey only added more depth to the action and battles that the narrative took later on in the story. 


The Verdict

Memorable, entertaining, and hauntingly intriguing historical fiction, author John-Patrick Bayle’s “The Order” is a must-read novel! The fantastic blend of mystery and history is always such a plus for me as a reader and the engaging way the author delved into the man underneath the monk’s hood and the hood’s representation as a whole during this chaotic time period while also uncovering the mysteries of the narrative made for a story that could not be put down. If you haven’t yet, be sure to grab your copy today!

Rating: 10/10


Anthony Avina, (Born March 1990), is an author, a journalist, and a blogger. Born in Southern California, he has battled through injuries, disabilities, moves back and forth across the country, and more, yet still maintains a creative voice that he hopes to use not only to entertain but to inspire hope in even the darkest situations. He writes short stories and novels in several genres, and is also a seasoned journalist for the online magazine, On Request Magazine, as well as the popular site TheGamer. Having grown up reading the books of Dean Koontz and Stephen King, they inspired him to write new and exciting stories that delved into the minds of richly developed characters. He constantly tries to write stories that have never been told before, and to paint a picture in your mind while you are reading the book, as if you could see every scene of the book as if it were a movie you were watching. His stories will get your imaginations working, and will also show that in spite of the most despairing and horrific situations, hope is never out of reach. He am always writing, and so there will never be a shortage of new stories for your reading pleasure.

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